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Press release  •  2 min

Civil society calls for participation in discussions on ecological and social transition

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Quebec City, May 22, 2024 - Today, representatives of 40 civil society organizations - themselves representing over two million members - gathered in front of the National Assembly to call on the government to work together to plan a genuine energy, ecological and social transition for the benefit of Quebecers.

Calling themselves the Mouvement Pour la suite du monde, the groups have issued a call to action and mobilization, culminating in demonstrations across Quebec on September 27 to demand concrete action for social and environmental transition.

Change of approach

For several years now, Quebec civil society has been studying, documenting, consulting, working together and agreeing on principles and actions to achieve and implement this transition.

« On the other hand, the government doesn't want to hear anything, and is sailing along without adequate planning or clear direction. Our movement was born of this fed-up feeling. Social dialogue is essential, because together we can build the Quebec of tomorrow »

"There is already a solid foundation on which the government can build to implement a genuine ecological and social transition. The decision to listen to and integrate proposals instead of slashing regulations and public participation mechanisms is therefore a political one. Elected officials are in a position to make courageous choices to lead society towards a safer, greener and fairer future, especially as our movement is demonstrating that, thanks to our members, it would have the support of almost a quarter of the Quebec population," the groups conclude.

4 "founding" documents

Numerous civil society organizations have worked, and are still working, on achievable solutions to limit the social and economic impact of climate upheaval and lay the foundations for a safe and viable future. In their demonstration, they were keen to remind the government of the existence of so-called founding documents which serve as a basis for orchestrating the ecological and social transition, and which prove that with listening and political will, organizations with sometimes clashing orientations can come to an agreement and reach various constructive consensuses.

The number includes:

  • The Feuille de route pour la transition du Québec vers la carboneutralité, drawn up by 190 people from 85 organizations and some 30 academics from a dozen universities, and made public in 2020;

  • On September 23, 2023, the Feuille de route du G15+ set out 45 proposals for the well-being of Quebec, endorsed by 15 organizations from a wide range of backgrounds;

  • The Manifeste pour un avenir énergétique juste et viable sets out 14 demands to open the door to a counter-discourse on the province's energy future, to which over 200 organizations, academics and public figures have so far signed up;

  • The Appel de Montréal, launched at COP15 on biodiversity in December 2022, has been endorsed by the governments of Canada, Quebec, the Cree Nation and the City of Montreal, as well as by dozens of organizations around the world.

The movement will hand these documents over to the opposition groups to take to the Government.

"It's time to create a balance of power and regain the ability to influence Quebec's future. This is what we will do, with the help of the public, first by reminding them of the solutions that exist, then by making the government listen to reason," conclude the groups.

About Mouvement Pour la suite du monde

We are a movement bringing together trade unions, environmental, health, community and student organizations and citizens' collectives around a democratic vision of environmental and social transition.

Through various actions, we are mobilizing to force our governments to implement democratic solutions that bring social and environmental justice.

Our movement brings together more than 38 organizations, representing over two million people.

For further information:

Simon Lajoie,, (514) 662-5495