Our ability to feed ourselves is under threat. Only half of what Quebecers eat is produced in Quebec. Agricultural lands are increasingly affected by climate change and soil depletion, and are being eaten up by urban sprawl and industrial projects.
The impacts on food production capabilities and on the livelihoods of farm workers are significant, especially with the growing pressure to reduce the use of pesticides that put our health and the health of farm workers at risk.
Our governments are not acting aggressively enough on these issues.
It’s high time to transform our food systems.
Our food travels on average more than 2,500 km from field to the plate.
Our vision
A society that prioritizes healthy food and resilient agriculture, benefiting the environment, biodiversity and the local economy
Our initiatives
Promoting healthy local food in Quebec institutions
For over 20 years, we've been encouraging and supporting Quebec institutions in their transition to sustainable food procurement practices.
We're working to create awareness, provoke reflection and debate, and develop recommendations to guide our governments towards sustainable solutions for our agricultural and food systems.
Launch of the Shop Smarter, Eat Better microsite, providing consumers with concrete solutions for healthy eating that won't break the bank or ruin the planet.
L'Alliance SaluTERRE submitted a briefReconnecter l’agriculture aux territoires : Pour des terres protégées, en santé, accessibles pour la relève et nourricières des communautés, and launched its mobilisation campaign to protect agricultural land.
The Chantier PASUQ published its brief on a universal food program for public schools in Quebec during the Quebec's pre-budget consultations 2024-2025.
Launch of the SaluTERRE Alliance
An Équiterre-initiated coalition made up of the Coopérative pour l'Agriculture de Proximité Écologique (CAPÉ), the Fédération de la relève agricole du Québec (FRAQ), Protec-Terre and Vivre en Ville, and supported by a number of Quebec organizations, with the goal of protecting Quebec's agricultural land and activities from the many threats that jeopardize our food autonomy and security.
Programme d'alimentation scolaire universel au Québec (PASUQ)
Équiterre has joined forces with several organizations working in the field of school nutrition in Quebec to implement the Chantier PASUQ, so that all Quebec school-age children have an equal opportunity to succeed and develop through healthy eating, regardless of their socio-economic background.
Institutions eat local!
We celebrated the 5th edition of Institutions eat local! An event that showcases hundreds of institutions and food service management companies that feature local foods on their menus! An initiative of the Aliments du Québec au menu - Institution programme, set up by Aliments du Québec and Équiterre.
Commun'assiette expands
We are working with the region of Montérégie to set up a community of practice on sustainable institutional food, the first region outside of Montreal to do so!
A web portal that centralizes all the resources available to help Quebec institutions source healthy, local and eco-responsible food. You will also find news, events and inspiring stories!
Équiterre launches Quebec's first food education platform, aggregating tools from many sources, including an updated version of our À la soupe! educational kit.
A sustainable agriculture plan for Quebec
Équiterre welcomes Quebec’s Plan d'agriculture durable.
A local food procurement strategy for Quebec
Quebec unveils the Stratégie nationale d’achat d’aliments québécois : pour une alimentation locale dans les institutions publiques – an important step forward towards increasing local food procurement in Quebec’s public institutions.
Équiterre collaborates on the Politique bioalimentaire Alimenter notre monde, which aims to develop a prosperous, sustainable biofood sector in Quebec.
Partnership with Aliments du Québec
Équiterre and Aliments du Québec join forces and launch the Aliments du Québec au menu - Institution recognition program. The program encourages Quebec institutions to increase their procurement of local products for their food services. As part of this partnership, Équiterre has published a concrete tool entitled Recettes clés pour un approvisionnement alimentaire local et écoresponsable dans les institutions du Québec, which includes 8 practical information sheets to inspire and equip institutional and food service administrators and managers, chefs, teachers, educators, stakeholders, partners and any other stakeholders in the field of institutional food supply to adopt exemplary and sustainable food supply practices that will be a model for their environment and society.
Équiterre creates the Schools Take Root project, a fundraising campaign for schools to create awareness about sustainable food.
A pan-Canadian Alliance
Équiterre helps to create Farm to Cafeteria Canada, a pan-Canadian organization which seeks to encourage healthy, local and sustainable food in public institutions. Équiterre becomes the provincial coordinator of the Farm to School project for Quebec.
2002 - 2022
20 years of support!
Through various research and support projects, Équiterre is helping to supply healthy, local and eco-responsible food to numerous institutions in Quebec.
Garderie bio is launched
Launch the first project in sustainable institutional food, to encourage Quebec daycare services to serve local and organic fruits and vegetables to our youth. Équiterre then extended its sustainable institutional food project to all types of institutions throughout the province: À la soupe increases the presence of healthy, local and eco-responsible foods in their food services, and raises awareness among children in daycare centres and schools through various activities and workshops.
The Family Farmers Network is established
The Family Farmers Network now includes 132 organic farms and distributes organic baskets to nearly 20,000 families. In 2020, Équiterre handed over the reins of the network to local producers.