"This report tells us that our governments, and therefore our society, are far from ready to face the astronomical costs that the climate crisis is already causing and will further cause in the near future," says Émile Boisseau-Bouvier, Climate Policy Analyst at Équiterre. "How we're responding to it now is making us more vulnerable, less safe and less healthy."
"So, as we head into provincial and federal budgets in the coming weeks, it's troubling to see how the climate crisis is at best on the back-burner, and at worst, outright absent from the conversation," he adds.
Équiterre is also calling on our governments to acknowledge their historical responsibility for the climate crisis and their financial capacity to respond. In light of what the IPCC report reveals, it is imperative that this awareness be translated into rapid action in the face of the growing inequalities that are weighing heavily on the planet's most vulnerable: the poorest nations, farmers and Indigenous peoples.
"Another key takeway from the IPCC report is that if we stop taking half-measures, if we listen to climate science and if we act decisively to quickly end our dependence on fossil fuels, the worst-case scenarios are entirely avoidable," concludes Émile Boisseau-Bouvier.
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