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Équiterre, with a broad coalition of mobilized community groups and environmental organizations from throughout Quebec, has launched an ambitious awareness and mobilization campaign, Vire au Vert - to encourage all those who are concerned about the climate crisis to become actively involved in the upcoming 2021 municipal elections.
Given the scope of the environmental and climate crisis, more and more people are sensing the urgency to act and are getting involved.
To encourage municipal candidates and political parties to put the climate crisis at the forefront of the municipal elections, and to help voters make informed choices on November 7th, Vire au vert has put together a list of 68 proposals, grouped under 10 key themes.
Vire au Vert has also created a series of tools for candidates and voters to raise awareness around environmental issues. Citizen assemblies and candidate debates focused exclusively on the environment will be organized this fall.
Municipalities have a vital role to play
Decisions made at the municipal level have a direct impact on the quality of the environment and the resilience of our communities: urban planning, zoning, waste management, mobility, water management, green spaces, food security, territorial and economic development, public security, etc. Municipal policy therefore has an important role to play in a green and just transition. Quebecers must demand that our municipal governments show the political courage necessary to manage the climate crisis responsibly.
To get involved, visit Thank you for helping us put the environment at the forefront of our municipal elections!