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Time and time again, oil and gas pipeline projects are given the green light, even though Canada has committed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Do you know why?
Part of the blame lies with the National Energy Board (NEB), which is responsible for reviewing energy projects in Canada. When the NEB was created in 1959, climate change was not an issue. Today, the oil and gas industry alone accounts for one quarter of greenhouse gas emissions in Canada.
Now we have a once-in-a-generation chance to make sure the federal government puts laws in place for principled, science-based energy decisions. Let's get it right!
NEB’s loss of credibility
Over the past few years, the NEB has lost all credibility. For one thing, the participation process is full of obstacles for Canadians and organizations wishing to express their views. And many documents are only available in English. Not to mention the secret meetings between NEB commissioners and former Quebec Premier Jean Charest, then a lobbyist for TransCanada.
We need your help to revamp the NEB!
For the first time since it was created, we have a chance to radically change the NEB’s antiquated structure.
The expert panel responsible for modernizing the NEB proposes major changes:
• Ensure that decisions are consistent with Canada’s climate commitments
• Provide more opportunities for public participation and make the process easier
• Ensure that assessment processes are transparent and independent
• Unreservedly endorse the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples to foster nation-to-nation relationships
Now we have to make sure these elements are integrated into the National Energy Board Act. The expert panel will accept comments from the public until August 28, 2017. So we have to act fast!
Send a letter to your MP today, telling them how important this reform is, in particular so that Canada can meet its climate commitments.
It’s time to modernize the NEB and move on from the fossil fuel era: Please take action today to #GetNEBright!