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Responsible investment RRSPs – Do you know where to find them ?

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Blog - Brenda Plant

With RRSP season currently in full swing, you are no doubt being solicited from all sides, making it all the more puzzling to know how best to invest your savings. Do you have any idea in what you should invest?

The world of finance and RRSPs is complex and it's difficult to know how best to proceed, especially if you are interested in investing responsibly.

Ethiquette's Fabien Durif conducted a survey in December 2014 with 301 citizens representative of the population to test consumer knowledge of RRSPs and responsible investment.

Do you know whether your RRSPs include responsible investment products ? 42.9% of survey respondents did not.

Do you know if your group RRSP (through your work) include responsible investments ? 60.5% of respondents did not.

Do you know if your financial institution offers RRSPs which focus on responsible investment ? -- 63.8% of individuals surveyed had no idea.

According to the December 2014 survey, preparation for retirement (68.5%) proved the primary motivation for contributing to an RRSP. That said, nearly one individual out of every two believed it impossible to invest for retirement in a socially and ecologically responsible manner.

An all new section of on RRSPs now provides answers to the questions most frequently posed by consumers: Which RI products are eligible for inclusion in a registered retirement savings plan? What do these products provide in terms of financial returns?

Consult the Ethiquette RRSP section.
Consult the study results.

We're considering developing another new section on Ethiquette that presents the financial institutions in Canada and what they are doing in terms of responsible investment and sustainability in general. We'll need to know if you think this will be helpful. Please comment on Facebook EthiquetteRI !