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How will we meet the Paris Accord? You can help!

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Montreal, May 24, 2016 – Today, Équiterre launches a mobilization campaign demanding public consultations on climate change in Canada. Équiterre urges our members of Parliament to conduct public consultations in their ridings that will address the effects of climate change.

To mark Earth Day this past April 22, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau signed the Paris Agreement on climate change, showing unprecedented support among all world leaders. In doing so, Canada has agreed to keep the increase in global average temperature to 1.5°C. But the challenge remains: How will we achieve this goal? Provincial, territorial and federal governments are currently working on a new Canadian climate plan. In fact, four working groups are collaborating with Indigenous Peoples and members of the public to draft policies on the following:

How and where to reduce emissions
Clean technology, innovation and job creation
How to prepare for the impacts of a changing climate
Putting a price on carbon

The four working groups will release their report to the public in October 2016.

Members of Parliament (from all parties) are invited to conduct public consultations in their ridings, based on the four working group themes.

We need your solutions!
Équiterre invites supporters to join the discussion about climate change in three ways:

Équiterre encourages all citizens to participate in the development of a climate plan by sharing their innovative solutions to the massive environmental and economic challenges posed by climate change. Équiterre also demands that the federal government issue a public report summarizing the received recommendations and ensure that this document is submitted to the working groups.

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For more information :

Dale Robertson
Medias relations, Équiterre
514 605-2000 /