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Équiterre, the Pointe-de-l’Île School Board and the CIUSSS de l’Est-de-l’Île-de Montréal are unveiling the results of the project Consommer localement, c’est goûter les saveurs d’ici! (Eat local and savour home flavours.) The initiative aims to increase the share of local foods served to residents and employees of the four long-term care facilities of the East-Montreal Integrated University Health and Social Service Centre.
See the project in pictures
The project, made possible thanks to the J. W. McConnell Family Foundation, confirmed that offering healthy local food in Quebec health facilities is not only highly desirable but also achievable! «In the healthcare system, we have the responsibility of offering quality meals that are healthy and nutritious » says Josette Leclerc, Head of Food Service Production and Distribution of the CIUSSS de l’Est-de-l’Île-de Montréal. «Knowing and promoting local products brings a great deal of satisfaction to us and to our residents», she adds.
The CIUSSS de l’Est-de-l’Île-de-Montréal increased the amount of local food served to residents and employees in the four long-term care facilities in the Pointe-de-l’Île sector by mobilizing suppliers, training personnel and organizing fruit and vegetable themed activities. The results include :
- 26 % of the food served at the four centers are from Quebec
- More than 150 themed meals featured some 32 fruits and vegetables in 2015
- Three culinary trainings offered in collaboration with the École hôtelière de Montréal-Calixa Lavallée (catering school) of the Pointe-de-l’Île School Board allowed 25 health facilities employees to learn about Quebec fruits and vegetables and how to integrate them on the menu.
This initiative was made possible thanks to the financing of the J.W. McConnell Family Foundation. Under the foundation’s Institutional Food Program, the Laurentian CIUSSS also put in place several measures to offer healthy, local and sustainable food. The center built new relationships with local suppliers and created gardens on its grounds to increase local sourcing, put more fresh foods on its menus and to encourage the participation of its personnel and residents.
Advantages of local procurement
It should be noted that local food procurement contributes to improving the flavour and nutritional quality of food. It also helps decrease packaging and food miles, therefore reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Finally, it stimulates the local economy and encourages dynamic land occupation. Équiterre hopes that all of Quebec’s health facilities will be inspired and serve local food to their clientele.
See the press release on the results of the project « Consommer localement, c’est goûter les saveurs d’ici! » (Eat local and savour home flavours.).