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Sign up today to take advantage of the reduced registration fee for the conference Des idées à récolter – Succès et innovations en agriculture de proximité [Ideas to Harvest – Success and Innovation in Local Farming]. Hurry—there are just two weeks left!
Over the last decade, the demand for local organic products has tripled in Canada, making it the fastest growing agri-food sector. Given that most food travels an average 2,000 km before reaching our plates, it is time to consider short food supply chains.
Inspiring speakers, who are pioneers in their field, will kick off the conference on December 2 with impressive presentations on a variety of innovative local procurement practices.
Featured speakers
- Jean-Martin Fortier, co-owner of Les Jardins de la Grelinette, world-renowned author of The Market Gardener: A Successful Grower’s Handbook for Small-Scale Organic Farming, and manager of La Ferme des Quatre-Temps in Hemmingford, Quebec.
- Denis Carel, organic farming advocate, pioneer of AMAP (the CSA system in France) and goat breeder in Provence, France.
- Simon Huntley, founder and developer of Small Farm Central, a dynamic US-based company specializing in marketing technology tools for farmers involved in local food systems.
On December 3, take one of the scheduled farm tours and get inspired by the innovative marketing initiatives in use.
Overview of themes
- Local food system innovations, challenges and opportunities, in Quebec and elsewhere
- Virtual markets, retail marketing, public markets, organic baskets, etc.
- Marketing strategies to make yourself known and develop customer loyalty
- Collective marketing
- Processing and added value
Don’t miss this unique event, especially if you work in the farming and agri-food sectors, and please tell people about it!
Click here to register.