One week out from the municipal elections, scores of organizations, citizen committees and public figures throughout Quebec are working to ensure that the environment plays a central role in these elections.
Why is it important to vote in the municipal elections?
The decisions made by our municipalities have a direct impact on our daily lives: neighbourhood greening and improvement, access to healthy local food and quality drinking water, waste management, public transit, bike paths and so much more.
Electing leaders who will make good decisions for our environment now will help make our living environments more pleasant, healthy and resilient, and better prepare our cities for the challenges that lie ahead.
Actor and environmental activist, Antoine Desrochers, reiterates this message in the following video (in French), encouraging Quebecers to get out and vote:
Growing interest and involvement across the province
In every corner of Quebec, people are mobilizing around the environment. Thousands of voters attended one of the 41 debates on the environment during Vire au vert’s inaugural week of debates for the municipal elections. The debates were an opportunity for candidates to explain their vision for their municipality with regards to the environment and climate change.
“We were impressed by the amount of participation and enthusiasm from candidates and from the public. It was inspiring to see democracy in action and great to get to know the people who aspire to represent us, their values and their ideas for the future of our city. We can therefore make more informed choices at the ballot box,” Louise Mailloux, co-organizer of the debate in La Pêche.
Did you miss the debates? You can find links to the recordings here: vireauvert.org/debats.
Encourage your friends and loved ones to vote
Share the following image on social media and encourage a friend or family member to go vote with you:
#ivote #elections2021 #vote #vote2021 #municipalpolitics #municipalelections2021 #environment #climate
Important dates
October 31: Halloween and early voting day!
November 7: Election day
(In some cities you can also vote on October 30th or November 6th. Visit your city’s website to verify.)
On November 7th, vote for candidates who care about the environment.