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I'm Brenda. You may not recognize me, but we may have spoken on the phone over the past few years.
I’m in charge of Équiterre’s dynamic team of ambassadors. Our job is to exchange with the public about environmental issues and to help grow our movement.
I’m writing to you today to share a story about the past year and to invite you to join us as a member of Équiterre.
One year ago, Quebec declared a state of emergency due to the pandemic – a period that will forever mark our lives. We were all plunged into the unknown.
For Équiterre, the pandemic added another layer of concern for the future: the risk of a major setback for climate action. All scenarios were possible at that time. Pandemic or not, we knew that we had to double down our efforts to mitigate the climate crisis, in particular by continuing on with our public policy and awareness work. But we also knew that the hearts and minds of our fellow citizens were elsewhere, experiencing a completely different shock.
As for me, I was worried that the pandemic might break the precious bond that unites Équiterre to you, our supporters. Every day, my team and I pick up the phone to speak with you. These calls often lead to rich exchanges that help bring us closer to a more equitable and sustainable future. But was it still possible to have these conversations in such difficult times?
What a nice surprise! The conversations that we have had with you over the past year exceeded our expectations and gave us even more courage and motivation to soldier on. I can proudly tell you that Équiterre still has, to this day, 25,000 loyal members who work alongside us and give us energy to confront the environmental crisis! The more members we are, the more impact we can have on the ground and with our governments to accelerate the green and just transition.
If you have the means, would you take an extra step and join our movement (e.g. a monthly donation of $12)? A symbolic donation of $5 would also serve our cause. We know that these are hard times. Through your donation, you will become a member of Équiterre and our voice will grow stronger.
Thank you for your support and commitment to our cause!
Brenda Greene
Project Manager, Solicitation Campaigns