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Thank you to our members for helping us further our mission!

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Actu - Rdv membres 2016 EN

Our member meetups in Montreal and Quebec City, which continue to be increasingly popular, are unique forums for discussion among members, employees and Équiterre action group volunteers. “It’s always a great pleasure to welcome our members: they are passionate, the question and answer session is lively, and the discussions always take us a step further in our mission,” says Isabelle St-Germain, Équiterre’s Senior Director.

According to Sidney Ribaux, Équiterre’s Co-founder and Executive Director, “The annual general meeting in Montreal had one of the largest turnouts in Équiterre history with 130 people in attendance!” Numbers were promising for the meetup in Quebec City too, with 40 very committed people present.

Members had the opportunity to see this year’s Laure Waridel Bursary recipient present her action/dissemination project: an educational kit to raise awareness about local sustainable food in Quebec schools and public institutions.

Claire Bolduc, President of Solidarité rurale du Québec and Équiterre board member, also gave a brilliant talk on pesticides: “Pesticides should be used to aid production in exceptional circumstances only, in support of agronomic science. Over the years, tools have replaced science and the exception has now become the norm. We urgently need to put agronomic science back into farming and restrict the use of pesticides,” said Ms. Bolduc, before adding, “We are what we eat! Everyday we have a fundamental choice to make when we buy food. Choose local organic food, support activist groups fighting for better food and tell friends and family the facts about pesticides and food. That’s how to be a committed citizen!”

See our Facebook album of tjese great events.