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Équiterre is proud to promote Farm to School Month, a pan-Canadian event organized by the Farm to Cafeteria Canada movement. Partners in the pre-school, school and higher educaction communities (daycares, schools, after-school services, colleges, universities) are invited to participate in the #DigInCanada campaign by sharing their activities that promote healthy eating and local and sustainable food.
Share your projects with us for the chance to win one of three grants worth $1,500
Whether you decide to organize a fundraising campaign selling organic vegetable baskets, grow fresh herbs in your garden, offer cooking workshops or visit a farm with your class, we want to hear all about your project! You could win one of three grants worth $1,500 to invest in your Farm to School project. And we’ll make sure your activities are widely shared so you can inspire similar initiatives across the country.
How to participate?
To learn more about the annual Farm to School Month Canada 2018 #DigInCanada campaign, to participate and to sign up for the contest, visit the campaign’s web page.
A growing movement
Join the over 1,100 schools across Canada that already appear on the School Food Map! Register your school and help promote the activities organized by the Farm to School network Canada-wide. This map will help draw the attention of policymakers and stakeholders, in order to win their support for the Farm to School movement across Canada.
Inspiring ideas for educational activities
Turnkey educational workshops
- The Soup’s On educational kit offers turnkey activities adapted for children of different ages (pre-school, primary and secondary school). Educators and teachers can use the educational activities and games directly or tailor them to their groups.
Educational workshops offered in your community
- Fous de nature’s mission is to help kids of all ages discover the living world by inviting school groups to take part in dynamic and interactive workshops on the theme of sustainable farming, either in the classroom or through a visit to the farm.
- École-O-Champ (Farm to School Quebec) is a bilingual organization made up of farmers, agronomists, environmentalists and nutritionists who are committed to educating young people in the agricultural, food and environmental sciences that support our sustainable food system. The team has devised several activities that illustrate the path taken by our food from the farm to our plates! They are present at several agricultural and community events and also offer these activities in the classroom or on a visit to the farm!
- Les Ateliers cinq épices offers an educational program focusing on nutrition and cooking in the form of nutritional cooking workshops and hands-on culinary workshops for children aged 2 to 12 in schools and daycares. The emphasis is on fun, discovery and experimentation.
- Feed and educate: that’s the mission of La Tablée des chefs, an organization that offers a wide range of cooking workshops as well as numerous resources on the theme of food education.
- Through its flagship program, “A Garden for Every Child,” Croquarium offers fun and educational activities for primary school children as well as training for the adults who guide them in order to make their school garden a place of learning, development and entrepreneurial initiatives for children, supported by the whole community.
- The CRAAQ proposes a game called “L’Agriculture ma voisine” on the different types of local food systems associated with farm produce grown in Quebec (available for free on the organization’s website).
- The team of dieticians at Dairy Farmers of Canada has designed a website,, that offers educators and primary school teachers free workshops, materials and educational tools on healthy eating.
Educational outings to the farm
- Équiterre and Fous de Nature offer your school or daycare the possibility to visit a farm in the network of family farmers in Montérégie. Learn about local, organic farming thanks to the many activities offered!
- École-O-Champ Québec offers educational rallies on different farms to help you learn more about the challenges of growing apples and squash.