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The Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA) is currently undergoing a review, almost two decades after it was last updated. CEPA is Canada’s overarching law governing the assessment and management of risks posed by chemical substances in products.
A coalition of five health and environmental organizations, in which Équiterre is part, advocates that our toxics law should be amended to deal with today’s toxics exposures through household products, not just the industrial pollution that the Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA) was written to deal with 18 years ago. The parliamentary committee responsible for reforming the Act is expected to table its report in a near future.
To help illustrate the urgency of the issue of toxic exposures and the golden opportunity we have to strengthen human health and environmental protections, a new comic book titled "Uncanny Toxics: Vanquishing an Invisible Enemy" was launched, featuring familiar villains and superheroes. (Consult the comic book here.)
Consult the comic book here!
Environmental Defence also hosted a reception last May 29th on Parliament Hill in partnership with Équiterre, Ecojustice, the Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment, and Tides Canada to demonstrate to government the need for Canada to strengthen its outdated regulation to protect the public and the environment from the effects of toxic chemicals.
Sign the Environmental Defence petition to urge the Ministers of Health and Environment to banish the Toxic Trio and strengthen our toxic chemicals regulations.
The content of this article and the comic book was originally published on the Environmental Defence Website, in a blog article by Muhannad Malas (Toxics Program Manager)