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Opinion  •  1 min

Open letter - Let’s get our reusable containers out of lockdown

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By Amélie Côté, Analyst, Reduction at the source - Équiterre, Mélissa de La Fontaine, Co-founder and President of the Coopérative Incita, Cindy Trottier, Founder and Executive Director - Circuit Zéro Déchet, Aurore Courtieux-Boinot, Co-founder- La vague, Magali Simard, Funding, partnership and membership - Association Québécoise Zéro Déchet,
Luise Stahl, Member of the Board and Program Coordinator - Net Impact Montreal

There’s no doubt about it, disposable products have made a major comeback to the detriment of the zero waste movement, which until the start of the pandemic had strong wind in its sails.

In March 2020, every precaution was justified, but we’ve learned a lot since then and it's time to reevaluate the options and get our good habits back on track. Single-use packaging spiked in the pandemic’s early days for health and safety reasons.

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