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The environment at the heart of election campaigns

Let's encourage our leaders to be bold

Équiterre’s work

To accelerate the necessary ecological transition, our governments will have to adopt a number of ambitious measures. But they need clear support from the public before they will act.

Équiterre coordinates awareness and mobilization campaigns during federal, provincial and municipal election campaigns. Election campaigns are key opportunities, as candidates and political parties are particularly sensitive to the concerns and demands of the voting public.

Together with its many partners, Équiterre mobilizes voters to express their environmental concerns to their candidates, urging them to make ambitious commitments towards the ecological transition.

Équiterre is non-partisan, but creates and provides the voting public with tools to help them make informed choices with regards to socio-environmental issues.

Our impact

14,500 citizens mobilized in the mobilization campaigns of the past three elections

170 debates on the environment

100 media publications on the environment during election campaigns

Project history


Provincial elections

The environment enters the leaders' debate

Équiterre and its partners pushed hard to put the environment at the heart of the leaders' debate.


Municipal Elections

Debates on the environment held all across Quebec

Support for local committees and organizations; 40 debates held in as many municipalities in Quebec.

Federal Elections

Thousands of Canadians become actively involved

Campaign to urge citizens to write to political parties to get them to commit to taking action for a world that respects the limits of nature, and that is carbon neutral and equitable.


Federal Elections

A unique Canada-wide event

104 candidate debates on the environment held simultaneously across Canada. Coordinated 25 debates in Quebec; 48 organizing groups involved.

Broad mobilization on behalf of environmental platforms

Canada-wide digital campaign "One Planet, One Vote" to ensure that all parties commit to ambitious goals for the environment.


Provincial Elections

First edition of Vire au vert

Conferences; establishment of mobilizing citizen committees in ridings; meetings with political parties and candidates and citizens mobilized to demand ambitious environmental commitments.


Federal Elections

First campaign during an election

Mobilized citizen committees formed in 2 federal ridings


Awareness campaign

A message from Antoine Desrochers(in French), encouraging Quebecers to get out and vote

Take action

Project's team

Project Manager, Mobilization
See profile