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Policy recommendation

Managing energy towards carbon neutrality in Quebec: Sobriety, efficiency and good governance

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Surpluses of electricity are no longer the reality. To achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, Quebec must rethink how it produces and consumes energy. The principles of energy sobriety and energy efficiency must be central to government action for an integrated and equitable energy transition.

Équiterre is proposing a paradigm shift. Our economy and all industrial sectors must evolve to respond to the consequences of climate change.

As part of the Consultation sur l'encadrement et le développement des énergies propres au Québec (Quebec’s energy future), Équiterre submitted recommendations that could be implemented in every sector of society, including land use planning, mobility and transportation, buildings, agriculture and food, deconsumption, democratic citizen involvement and energy production and consumption.

Have a look at our brief (in French) or the summary of recommendations in order to:

  • Better understand energy production and consumption in Quebec;

  • Understand why current efforts are insufficient in the face of current challenges;

  • See what an efficient, equitable and environmentally respectful energy transition could look like;

  • Learn about Équiterre's recommendations for greater energy sobriety and efficiency in all sectors of society;

  • Discover what Quebec could look like in 2050 once ambitious policies and sound governance are implemented.

Prepared by Équiterre, this brief was submitted to the Ministère de l’Économie, de l’Innovation et de l’Énergie on July 28, 2023 as part of the Consultation sur l'encadrement et le développement des énergies propres au Québec.

Équiterre also submitted its recommendations through the experts' questionnaire portion of this consultation.

  • pdf  - 4.95 mb Mémoire : maîtriser l’énergie pour atteindre la carboneutralité au Québec - Juillet 2023

    See document
  • pdf  - 0.41 mb Quebec’s Energy Future - Summary of Principles and Recommendations - July 2023

    See document