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Big and small ways to fight climate change

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Actu - Geste climat EN

At the 21st United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP21) in Paris in December, decision makers from some 150 countries will have to negotiate a new international climate agreement. The stakes are high, as a climate emergency is on our doorstep and it’s a global issue.

Many of us—informed citizens, committed environmental organizations and communities affected by climate change—are expecting a lot. We’re urging our governments to adopt ambitious greenhouse gas reduction targets, to finally see the green economy as a solution rather than a problem, to transition towards renewable energies and move away from polluting fossil fuels. But what about our own involvement in the fight against climate change?

Recently, many businesses that participated in our cocktail benefits in Quebec City and Montreal announced their commitments to address climate change at the local level by reducing their greenhouse gas emissions. And you, fellow citizens, what are you doing for the climate?

a few simple things you can do to help fight climate change:

Imagine the combined impact of 7 billion actions to fight climate change! When it comes to the climate, every action counts!