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What could be more heartwarming this harvest season than to see schools, hospitals, CHSLDs and workplaces celebrating locally produced food? Here's a look back at the 4th edition of the Institutions Eat Local! event.
- 356 institutions registered from all across Quebec!
356 institutions from all over the province registered for Institutions Eat Local! this year. The annual event encourages institutions to showcase Quebec produce through various activities, big and small, including themed menus and events, cooking workshops, harvest days, visits to local farmers, and more! 🫑🌽
Three great examples of culinary initiatives

1. The CISSS de l’Outaouais does everything apple
In the Pontiac region, the CISSS de l'Outaouais focused on all things apple: an apple-themed menu, a visit to an apple orchard, an apple kiosque, apple peeling activities with residents from the CHSLD du Pontiac and an Apple Crisp tasting.
2. A mini market at the CHU de Québec-Université Laval
The CHU de Québec-Université Laval held a mini gourmet market in their courtyard. Staff, visitors and patients visited the market to purchase vegetables, garlic and maple products from local farmers. They also held information booths on the importance of local food and on their project Pour une alimentation locale et responsable au CHU de Québec-Université Laval.
Équiterre is currently working with the CISSS de l'Outaouais and the CHU de Québec-Université Laval to help their food services increase their local food procurement. We’re therefore happy to highlight their active participation in Institutions Eat Local! this year. Of course, Équiterre joined in on the event as well!
3. Équiterre focuses on conservation

Équiterre’s sustainable food team got together to share ideas and recipes on how to preserve our favourite foods during the harvest season. Freezing, fermenting, canning or dehydrating - it’s not always straightforward! Here are some tips and tricks to help you conserve a wide variety of local produce in order to enjoy them well into the winter!
Institutions Eat Local! is an initiative of Aliments du Québec au menu – Institution (a program developed by Aliments du Québec and Équiterre, with the support of the MAPAQ (the provincial Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food) in cooperation with Défi 100% local.
Sustainable food in our institutions goes well beyond this week-long event

Institutions Eat Local! is only a one-week event, but the movement to increase local food procurement in our institutions is a sustained year-round effort!
For the past 20 years, Équiterre has been part of this great adventure, helping institutions source their food locally through, among other things, its community of practice, Commun’assiette.
Would you like to see more local food at your institutions? Learn more about Équiterre's initiatives.