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13 December

In person event

Impacts of offshore drilling on biodiversity

Free - Bilingual - Online and in person French


The event is bilingual and is also held online.

The oil projects of the Norwegian company Equinor, such as Bay du Nord off the coast of Newfoundland and Labrador, threaten marine ecosystems.

The most recent estimates indicate that Bay du Nord could produce between 300 million and one billion barrels of oil over its lifetime. Imagine, if an accident or a leak were to occur at sea, the repercussions on marine life would be catastrophic.

As part of COP15, Sierra Club, Équiterre and the Council of Canadians invite you to attend this conference to hear various speakers from international NGOs discuss the risks to marine ecosystems from Equinor's oil projects and how , by various means, we can prevent these from seeing the light of day.

Webinar recording


  • Gretchen Fitzgerald, Sierra Club Canada, for Bay du Nord project
  • Rune Woldsnes, Uplift, for Fight for the Bight campaign, Australia
  • Ragnhild Elisabeth Waagaard, WWF Norway

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